


Dear friends!

MAKS-2019, an international air show, will be traditionally held in the small Science town of Zhukovskiy from 27th of August to 01st of September, 2019.We offer 2 programs for MAKS-2019:

MAKS airshow in Zhukovsky 2019Moscow air show Russia 2019


Aviasalon MAKS 2019 is one of the most fascinating and entertaining air shows in the world where all best Russian test pilots and international aerobatic teams demonstrate their mastery and skills performing hairaising maneuvers. It is the international aviation hi-tech show and it has gained a respectable position among the leading international airshows.

Maks-2019 is a large-scale exhibition, that represents the products of the aerospace and defense industries. What attracts people to this exhibition, is a wide spectrum of research and development results, advanced technologies, up-to-date materials, sophisticated aircraft and spacecraft research, design and testing techniques all in one place!
The Russian Air Force will be represented by two well-known teams–"Strizhi" (The Swifts) and "Russian vityaz" (Russian Knights). The U.S. Air Force Jet Team and the famous "Patrol de France" are going to be a special guests of the event. The daily program includes demonstrational flights of dozens of planes and helicopters.





莫斯科國際航空航天展覽會英語:MAKS--International Aviation and Space Salon俄語: МАКС-- Международный авиационно-космический салон)是俄羅斯莫斯科舉行的知名國際性航展,其舉辦地為莫斯科茹科夫斯基格羅莫夫試飛院英語Gromov Flight Research Institute機場(Жуковский, ЛИИ им. М.М.Громова)。 莫斯科航展創辦於1992年,從1993年起每2年舉辦一屆.






